Friday 2 June 2017

Person/Expert you admire

Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier was a French nobleman and chemist central to the 18th-century chemical revolution and had a large influence on both the history of chemistry. He is widely considered in popular literature as the "father of modern chemistry"

He contributed much to the chemistry because he is the author of the first modern chemistry textbook "Elementary Treatise of Chemistry" which listed all the currently known elements, he was first to state a conservation of mass law in chemical reactions, he recognized hydrogen and oxygen were elements and together made up water, he introduced the idea of allotropes when he discovered carbon and diamonds were the same material and he was leader in the development of the metric system of measurement.

I like this chemist because he was the first who initiated this discipline with a rigorous methodology of quantitative measurements that he applied to his experiments, allowing to eliminate many old beliefs and left behind disciplines of very long tradition, such as alchemy. He provided the fundamental concepts and principles that chemistry needed so much to become the science that is today.


  1. jajajajajaja What picture! jajajajaj Are you?

  2. Lavoisier is an important person in chemistry !!

  3. I think is funny as hell that you choose this unknown man lol, I would have choose someone like claudio bravo or luis jara all the way
