Thursday 29 June 2017

Your blogging experience

Well... Although I consider myself a bad writer I think it was a good experience because there were a variety of topics to write and a lot of them were very interesting for me and it inspired me and motivated me to do the blog... In other cases it was not like that case, because I didn't accompany my mood or the topic of the blog, also had many tests to render and my concentration was not in writing the blog.

On the other hand, I consider that my writing skills have been improving, but always with help, because there are many words that I don't know and that I need to use, and at that moment a translator is used. This is why I consider that I couldn't carry out a written development in a test or evaluation where I can't have help

I think that in the future making a blog might not be presential in a particular class, I think it could be a system where one has to upload the blog until certain time with the same requirements, since to do it or not in classes doesn't change much the things. I had to mention that I consider that this activity should have a greater weighting in the average of the subject.
Finally, I end up saying that it is an interesting activity and I would like to talk about pets or animal related issues.
                                           Resultado de imagen para blogger

Thursday 22 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

The technique that I consider very useful in my career is the compleximetric titulation. I choose that because I consider one of the most important techniques of analytical chemistry. I learned on this topic the current semester in which I am studying and although it's difficult to understand for me I find it very interesting.

To start we must know that the volume of the standard solution necessary to form a complex with a metal cation of the compound to be analyzed is measured in the complexometric volumetrics and this is recurrently used in careers that require chemical analysis. This technique consists in a titulant agent is used which falls from the burette dropwise onto a titulated agent provided in the flask and this last one changes of color due to the presence of an indicator, and in this moment the moles of both agents are equal, which will allow to determine the amount of minerals (hardness) present.

This technique is really important in many laboratories and studies about water hardness and also allows to determine purity of compounds, for example the amount of certain elements in the rice.

This technique gives advantages to the human because water is consumed by all of us and has always been considered fundamental because it has multiple properties, but the hardness of water for human consumption is a constant concern of people, due to the potential effects on health.
Thus, in the future, these harmful minerals from the water could be radiated having this technique as the bases of this studies.
                          Resultado de imagen para titulacion gifResultado de imagen para agua

Saturday 10 June 2017

The most enjoyable subject...

If I start to remember the subjects that I have studied to this day in the university, I would say that the one I liked the most was "Laboratorio de Química General II",
I took the last semester and in my section we were about 100 I think, this subject is practical, because its designed to do what is taught in classes of "Química General II",the classes of this subject I liked very much, I found that it was a very interesting and necessary content for professional development, but when we had to apply what was learned in a practical setting (laboratory) I thought it was wonderful, because you can see with your own eyes what happens in the reactions mentioned in classes and understanding why it happens makes it much more fascinating, because it's not the same that someone tells you what happens to be able to experience it personally. 

In this laboratory the teacher give us a little introduction of practical work of the day in the classroom, the class started 8.30 in the morning and if you were late you couldn't enter the lab later, that was the worst of this subject.

I remember that in this laboratory there were many teachers involved, but I really enjoyed being in the section of teacher Gerald Zapata, because he was very funny but he also imposed his rules and he often annoyed us (joking), I say us because my friends and I were in the same workplace. 

I love this subject and I hope to have a similar subject later.. 
Formation of CuSO4 pentahydrate crystals (One of the practical works that I liked the most)

Friday 2 June 2017

Person/Expert you admire

Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier was a French nobleman and chemist central to the 18th-century chemical revolution and had a large influence on both the history of chemistry. He is widely considered in popular literature as the "father of modern chemistry"

He contributed much to the chemistry because he is the author of the first modern chemistry textbook "Elementary Treatise of Chemistry" which listed all the currently known elements, he was first to state a conservation of mass law in chemical reactions, he recognized hydrogen and oxygen were elements and together made up water, he introduced the idea of allotropes when he discovered carbon and diamonds were the same material and he was leader in the development of the metric system of measurement.

I like this chemist because he was the first who initiated this discipline with a rigorous methodology of quantitative measurements that he applied to his experiments, allowing to eliminate many old beliefs and left behind disciplines of very long tradition, such as alchemy. He provided the fundamental concepts and principles that chemistry needed so much to become the science that is today.