Tuesday 31 October 2017


I must say that I love to enjoy my summer holidays. During the year my life is very stressed by everything I have to study and that's why during the holidays I relax and have a good time with my friends and family.

Last summer I did a lot of things and I went to many places, I had a great time. So, this summer I want to have a great time and do all the things, that in the year while I'm in university, I can´t do.

In fact, I'm not interested in where to vacation, but I care about the people that I'll be leaving, for me that's more important

Of course, I must say that every summer I go to the south and I hope that this summer won’t be the exception. I love the South of our country, it's very beautiful and I usually go to my hometown, Temuco, because that's where most of my family lives.
When I go to the south, I go on vacation with my mother or father, since both of them like to spend their vacations there.

On the other hand, I also go out with my friends, with them I have a great time. I hope that this year we will go back to the beach and have good times, equal or better than last summer.

I hope to organize my holidays well to have a long and well-deserved rest, in order to have the energy and desire to enjoy my vacation 100%.

I must also consider that I must do my "intermediate practice", so unfortunately, I should not forget the university until I complete the practice.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


To start I have to mention that I love animals, especially my pets because they give me a lot of swetness, happiness and love to my life. They are part of my family

I have two pets, one of them is a doggie called Puppy and the other one is a rabbit called Timon.

Puppy came into my life last year, when I entered in the university because my grandfather gave away puppies and my mom falled in love with her.

On the other hand, my rabbit was a gift gived to me in 2015 when I was in the school, at first, the vets told me that he was female and "her" name was Aika, but when he had about two months we knew he was male and we called him Timon

Last March one of my pets died, my little dog called Chasqui, he was like my brother, I will always remember him because he was very special to me. He came into my life when I was a baby, in that time I was two years old and we spent many moments together, because I was around 17 years with him.

They are a very important part of my life, who has a pet can understand me, so, my life without my little animals it wouldn´t be the same, it would be awful. When Chasqui died it was like a part of my heart left with him and I think if this would happen again with any of my other two pets I would feel the same sadness again.

Puppy and Timon


Saturday 14 October 2017


Hey guys ! Today's topic is closely related to the theme of last week when I mentioned that I hope to project and study and then specialize in a specific field and toxicology is included in my main options.
This area is very interesting, I like so much because is a very important part of the health and research area because it's a discipline that is related to biology, chemistry, pharmacology and medicine.

I would like to study this specialization because it opens many paths of the workfield and I would like to dedicate part of my life to the research area because I would like to contribute to new discoveries that help humanity and all other living organism.

This area involves the study of the adverse effects of chemical substances on organisms and the practice of diagnosing and treating exposures to toxins and toxicants.
This postgraduate programs cover the chemical makeup of toxins and their effects on biochemistry, physiology etc. After introductory life science courses are complete, students typically work in labs and apply toxicology principles to research and other studies. Advanced students delve into specific sectors, like the pharmaceutical.

I am not interested in studying abroad, maybe just to learn more language, but the study as such I would like to do it in the university where I am now, although it has many requirements but I consider that today it is very important to obtain a postgraduate.

Wednesday 4 October 2017


This topic is not yet very clear for me, because at first I considered working for forensic laboratories, this work field was one of the main motivations to enter in this university career. I still love this work field, I consider it to be a very interesting area, analyzing samples, compounds and learning many new things about the forensic field.

Well, as I have been studying Chemistry and Pharmacy I have noticed that this career has a very broad work field, so I have been interested in other kind of jobs, like clinical area, hospitals and cosmetic industry. Each of these areas has a lot of interesting things and its professionals have many ways to develop each of these.

I would like to travel, but Im not sure how much can travel in this kind of areas, maybe there are many professionals who constantly travel for conferences, wich I consider very interesting because is a moment where you can discuss many topics in study and learn at the same time. 

In the future I hope to project and study and then specialize in a specific field, for now what interests me most for a later study is the toxicology

Finally, I hope to finish my studies and be able to develop in any of these areas I would feel very accomplished in the workplace if I can work in any of these jobs.

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