Thursday 13 April 2017

Why did you study your career?

When I was a child I didn´t think in the future or what I will do with my life because in this part of our lifes we don't have any problems and responsabilites. My grandma always wanted that I study Obstetrics, and with the pass of time I acquired this taste for this profession but when I grew up a little more I didn't consider my passion. When I was around 14 years old I started to like the health area more in depth, but then I realized that I liked the blood more than medicine itself, so I thought "I will not study a long career just because I like to see blood". But I have to mention that I always love the investigation crimes, toxicology and everything related to the forensic area. I LOVE IT. 
Well, when I was finishing the school I thought about being a Veterinarian, but I love animals and it's hard to me to see them suffer. 
Finally, when there was a month left to take the PSU I started researching careers, and I didn't know what to do, I thought I would study Marine Biology, but just because it caught my attention. 
Then, I went to the "Postulant Fair" of Universidad Católica. Here I found "Chemistry and Pharmacy" and I love it, I researched about the labor field and I discovered that I could work in many areas, inclunding job related to blood, investigation, toxicology and this things that I always want. 
Now I'm here and I can say that I don't regret, I'm happy with my decision, but I have had to learn to overcome my frustation, because this career is not easy, but wherever, nobody say it will be. Now I just want finish my studies, I hope to take a specialization too because I really want work in investigation areas, laboratories and these parts of this profession, for example: the SML. 

Blood sample <3


  1. OMG! That beautiful area for work! It's amazing!

  2. jajaja make me laugh the phrase "I will not study a long career just because I like to see blood"

  3. I'm glad you decided for chemistry and pharmacy because I met you and you are a very sweet person barby! <3 kisses!

    1. Aaaw so sweet Abi 💕 I'm happy to have met you 💕

  4. It is a surprise reading this because I also love Forensics. I hope we can both work in the PDI in the future.

  5. hahahahah so funny!! keep posting

  6. i think you have born to be an urologist that is totally your passion

