Thursday 20 April 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the cellphone. My first cellphone I don´t remember very well when I had it but I think it was when I was in 6° grade, I remember it was a SONY with infrared and in this times it was very cool, in this cellphone you could take pics and you could have two songs to listen.
In general, I think this piece its amazing, a breakthrough in technology, because it makes life easier than before. This device it´s very useful, because you can do many things thanks to a small device, for example years ago it was necessary to have a clock to know the time, instead now with cellphone you can know the time, you can take photos without need to have a camera. Other advantage is the possibility of listening to music anywhere, with good headphones your way home is much more gratifying. It is worth mentioning that headphones are also a great invention.
Now there is a lot of variety of cellphones but my preference always has been the android system.
I think the life without cellphone on one side there could be much more close relationship between people, because there are times when its unpleasant to want to talk to someone who is on the cellphone and is not interested in the conversation with you. But I think it would be a great setback for us because the long distance communication it would be much more difficult, throughout the day we could not communicate with people who are not with us, maybe yes, but that uncomfortable!!

Thursday 13 April 2017

Why did you study your career?

When I was a child I didn´t think in the future or what I will do with my life because in this part of our lifes we don't have any problems and responsabilites. My grandma always wanted that I study Obstetrics, and with the pass of time I acquired this taste for this profession but when I grew up a little more I didn't consider my passion. When I was around 14 years old I started to like the health area more in depth, but then I realized that I liked the blood more than medicine itself, so I thought "I will not study a long career just because I like to see blood". But I have to mention that I always love the investigation crimes, toxicology and everything related to the forensic area. I LOVE IT. 
Well, when I was finishing the school I thought about being a Veterinarian, but I love animals and it's hard to me to see them suffer. 
Finally, when there was a month left to take the PSU I started researching careers, and I didn't know what to do, I thought I would study Marine Biology, but just because it caught my attention. 
Then, I went to the "Postulant Fair" of Universidad Católica. Here I found "Chemistry and Pharmacy" and I love it, I researched about the labor field and I discovered that I could work in many areas, inclunding job related to blood, investigation, toxicology and this things that I always want. 
Now I'm here and I can say that I don't regret, I'm happy with my decision, but I have had to learn to overcome my frustation, because this career is not easy, but wherever, nobody say it will be. Now I just want finish my studies, I hope to take a specialization too because I really want work in investigation areas, laboratories and these parts of this profession, for example: the SML. 

Blood sample <3

Thursday 6 April 2017

Getting to know each other...

I will write something about my life... To start I have to present my family, my dad is Mauricio, he lived in Temuco when he was young. My mom is Fabiola and when she was young she went to University in Temuco. They both played basketball and they met in this situation. That's the reason I was born. We lived in Temuco until my five years old with my little dog Chasqui (its part of my Family, i had to mention it) and then we came to Santiago. With the pass of time my parents separated but it's part of my life. I don't have brothers, but to me it's fine. In Santiago I studied in Santisima Trinidad's college from kindergarden and I graduated there, in this 13 years of my life I met people that now is really important in my life. Thereafter I go to University and now I study Chemistry and Pharmacy in Chemical and Pharmaceutic science faculty of Universidad de Chile. I'm happy with my career and with the nice people that I met in this faculty.
My friends of University and I. The name of group is "La ventana"